Donnerstag, 26. April 2007

Auf der Suche nach Graf Andrassy

The cowboys have made their way to Buda-Pest without getting harmed and having to shoot. So now they're picking up impressions like empty bullet casings:

- a friendly "butze" with a nice "housemeister" Eric offering us bed, meals and booze
- a big sightseeing trip with a terror-touristic bus imitating chinese with our cameras (to famous Gallert hill, bloody Parliament and old and run down houses from gothic times)
- thinking about killing people and moving in there empty flats just because of nice backyards and elevators looking like cages
- looking for single and double ponys
- getting pissed in a Hungarian saloon (something like "Szsszszzszs") with some American cowboys
- praying at the corner of Graf Andrassys personal street and getting laughed and cheered by the Village People, but Graf Andrassy did not react

So we gotta continue the search NOW!

See you later the Stiefelhuegel...and Caucauceausescu.

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